
Blog > Connect with 7,000+ Networks and 207 Markets with Cogent's IP Transit Service

Connect with 7,000+ Networks and 207 Markets with Cogent’s IP Transit Service

Gain failover protection and increased bandwidth, and eliminate the need for backhauling or re-routing to other cities with Cogent’s IP Transit service.

As part of Netrality’s robust ecosystem of connectivity partners, customers can leverage IP Transit service from Cogent, one of the largest internet service providers (ISP) in the world.

Cogent is a multinational, Tier-1 ISP, consistently ranked as one of the world’s top five backbone providers offering high-speed Internet access and Ethernet transport services. With one of the largest and highest capacity IP networks in existence, Cogent is unrivaled in delivering large-scale bandwidth connections at highly competitive prices.

Netrality customers can directly connect to over 7,130 networks and 207 major markets across the globe with Cogent’s IP Transit service. Gain worry-free failover protection, increased bandwidth and reliability, and eliminate the need for backhauling or re-routing to other cities.


Connect globally in a single hop

The more networks that data has to pass through to reach its destination, the more latency is incurred, because each hop to another network takes time to process and route properly. Data is also subjected to bandwidth throttling, where networks intentionally slow traffic and minimize bandwidth to regulate congestion.

IP Transit is a service where ISPs allow traffic to travel through their network to its final destination. Tier 1 networks, such as Cogent, AT&T, Verizon and Lumen, freely peer with one another to provide one-hop latency. The combined reach of these global Tier 1 networks allows for the fastest routing possible and can route requests to anywhere on the Internet.


Connect to content

If you are an access provider, Cogent’s IP Transit service will connect you and your end-users to the most popular content and application providers on the web – just one hop away. Your customers will enjoy low-latency access to whatever they need, wherever it is located.


Connect to eyeballs

Cogent’s IP Transit service offers application and content providers the most reliable, scalable and cost-effective way to connect to eyeball networks. Whether your business is gaming, streaming media, VoIP or social networking, Cogent’s network is the fastest, most seamless way to expose your content to end-users.

Netrality is proud to feature Cogent as an ecosystem partner and excited about the unparalleled networking benefits available to our customers. To learn more, please visit the Netrality Marketplace, a robust digital directory of service providers within our data centers.

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